Anne Golaz et Florence Corin
Si t'y danses - balades urbaines
Embark on a voyage into the history of dance in a playful and interactive way and discover some unusual places in Brussels using the mobile application Si t'y danses!
Starting in April, the application will make available two urban walks that invite you to get moving. At each stage of the journey, a dance quote appears on your smartphone that points to a poetic, political or social dimension of this art in motion.
Play with it in augmented reality and access the related bonus: archive videos, invitations to dance, a city tour and anecdotes taken from the history of this place. While the walks can be done at any time and independently, four meet-ups have been organized to launch the project and provide an opportunity to follow the two walks, together and in motion.
> A project of Contredanse and organised as part of Brussels, dance! and Danses en fêtes.