
Boris Charmatz (terrain)

20 danseurs pour le XXe siècle et plus encore

How does one dance in a library? In a lobby? Dancing in a public space, a space for reading, for lingering - without blending in? How does one make the dancing body visible in the midst of other bodies in transit? The Musée de la danse chooses to locate itself within the terrain of transmission and dissemination, by offering up a panorama of twentieth century dance. All-terrain performers from different generations take over the corridors, rooms and staircases of a seat of knowledge. They appropriate and exhibit some of the solos that defined twentieth century dance.

During their walk, the public encounter these strange visitors in movement scattered about the building. They might stumble upon a solo by Merce Cunningham or a dance by Isadora Duncan. This allows each audience member to recompose a living, non-linear archive of dance. Here, one can lose oneself, linger, navigate from echo to echo and from gesture to gesture.